Package ca.tnt.ldaputils.annotations

Package class diagram package ca.tnt.ldaputils.annotations
Interface Summary
TypeHandler Handler interface for handling Class types that the default annotation processor for LPA does not support

MINOR TypeHandler simplification (issue-12) Created : 13-Dec-2010 12:26:00 AM MST


Enum Summary
ObjectClassType Defines the types of LDAP objectClass(es).

Annotation Types Summary
DN A field annotated with this is indicating that it is an LdapName variable for storing the fully qualified distinguished name.
LdapAttribute Declares the member field that stores an attribute of a particular name.
LdapEntity If you annotate with this, your POJO MUST contain an @DN annotation as well.
Manager We use this as an annotation indicating you want the LdapManager that was used to create this entry, injected into your code.